
One part of my research is looking at past Nike Football ads and seeing what they used and how they presented there ads. It needs to have something in common with all the past ads or the Nike t90 ball.
The most important part in this will be be using nike pro stars. This was Nike biggest demand

Another part of my research will be looking at other animated sport ads from different sports and see how there ads are constructed. The other sport ads will show me if they are well done and have taken time or if they are short and sweet.

During class we did different sorts of animations so we could choose which one we preferred and they were;
Flip Books, in this we made little flip books and surprisingly they worked
Line Rider, Line rider was alot of fun because so may people made great tracks and nice little tricks
Pivot, Pivot is when we started to get to know actual animation programs, pivot was good for easy and quick animations because it's to do with stop mtion
Adobe Flash CS4, is the one I am using and is very productive.

Here are some past ad pictures.